Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekly Update 03-28-11

There is a very special opportunity that we all have to partake of this coming weekend. The Prophet of the Lord is going to speak to the world. I am so grateful and I look forward to hear from these inspired chosen servants of the Lord. I am a little sad that this is the last time that I am going to hear from these prophets of God while I am on my mission. It has all gone by so quickly. I am saddened, but at the same time I have a lot of faith and confidence for my future. 
As I have been praying a lot my faith is in the Lord and His will and none else. I know that he has a distinct individual plan for me and it is my will to follow His plan. I know that it is my calling to share the Gospel throughout the rest of my life. I feel that I have found such great power and love in this gospel that I am obligated to share it with the world and all ears that can hear my voice that speak my language. I will declare the truth with boldness and with power. This church is true brothers and sisters, I absolutely love it that I have come to this sure knowledge and sure understanding, yet I take no credit for it, but give my full thanks to the Lord for him revealing these truths to me with such great power. I have received the convincing evidence from the Lord that this is His church. 
This week I encourage each of you to ponder what it is that you may question about the church or whatever it may be, as you pray with sincerity I know that as you listen to the words of counsel that will be given this weekend that your questions will be answered. I am running low on time. So I have to get going soon. I love each of you so much, as I say that every week, but it is true and my love for all of you is real. 


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