Its another week to hear about the life of Elder Doyle, I first off want to remind all of you that I love you all so much and that I miss you all like crazy, but I am at the right place in my life right now and I know that God wouldn’t want me anywhere else. I had a really good week.Something filled me with an increased love for the people here in this area where I am serving. I am kind of sad because I am going to be transferred to another area in the mission at the end of this month. I am hoping that I get to go serve in Brooklyn somewhere. I was sitting in church yesterday and I was looking around at all of the people in the ward that I have come to love so much, I am sad that I have to leave them. I began to cry a little bit, because I feel that the ward has gotten a lot better since I have been here. I am thankful for the success that I have had in this area, with two of the people that I baptized were at church yesterday.Karina Waddoups isn’t going to be getting baptized this transfer, but she will be getting baptized soon, I know that I have planted a seed in her heart and she has been nourishing it by doing her daily scripture study and attending church for the past 9 weeks in a row. I am almost out of time here so I am going to have to cut off way short this week. I am also in an internet café with a lot of distractions.It is so weird to me that I have been out for almost 6 months I will hit my 6 month mark next week. It is crazy that time has gone by this fast. I know that time is only going to go by faster. I am going to be back home before ya’ll even know it. I am just loving the type of person that I am developing into. I feel that I am still the same person, but my desires have completely changes and my testimony has strengthened so much. I have to go now, sorry it was so short! I Love ya’ll
Elder Doyle
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