Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I hope that I have enough time to include everything that I was planning on telling you guys this week. So first off I have a sweet new companion fresh from the MTC his name is Elder Palmer, from Sandy UT. He is such a good guy, we have been working extra hard this week, doing all that we can to serve with full energy of heart.
There have been a lot of miraculous things that have happened this past week, but first off we committed Stephanie Cruz someone that we started teaching last transfer to being baptized on the 26th, we were going to do it earlier, but the Spirit restrained us from doing so. She has accepted to prepare herself to be baptized on that day, so we have been keeping her in our prayers hoping that she gets baptized on that day.
I am not sure if I have told you all about Cindy, but we found her last week. She is someone that didn't believe in God one bit when we first met her. The first time we met with her last week we taught her the importance of prayer, and told her to test it and we promised her that she would feel and see a difference in her life. Well the past almost 2 weeks now she has been praying. She has truly felt a difference in her life and she believes that there is a God. The other night we went to her house and we just served her, we did all that we could for her so show her that we truly do love her. We cleaned up her kitchen and did her dishes then we helped her cook dinner. When we were cooking dinner she had this really dull knife, and it was the only knife that she had and we had to cut the chicken by putting the sharp edge of the knife on the top of the chicken and she gave us a hammer to pound through the chicken. It was such a humbling experience for me, and it helped me develop a sincere love for Cindy and her boys. The next time we went over there we helped her once again with dinner and we brought her a nice sharp knife that we had at our appt. She was so happy, she said that this is her first real kitchen knife that she's ever had. That night we taught her the message of the restoration, and the Spirit was so strong. She mentioned that this is the truth and she has been waiting for it for a long time. We gave her a Book of Mormon and we told her about where the Book of Mormon came from and why it is so important to read the Book of Mormon and the Bible hand in hand. One of her boys then came in the room and started talking about the Bible, and she started sticking up for why we need the Book of Mormon too. It was such a blessing to see how the Spirit changed her life in that one week. As we were leaving we asked to pray and her son came to hold hands and that he wanted to say it, but I told them to come and kneel in humble prayer, and so we went and we were all kneeling together and I asked them before we started to pray "why are we all kneeling?" and I told them that it was because each of them have faith in God and that they wouldn't just kneel on the hard floor it there isn't a God. The Spirit was so strong I taught them how to pray then I said a short simple prayer and then asked Cindy to pray as well. She then prayed so sincerely and it was powerful, then her son wanted to pray. So it turned into a big prayer circle it was amazing.
This week as we were walking there was this lady that was screaming "Elders!" out of her window. My companion turned around and started walking towards her house, and I followed we told her to come to the door so that we could talk. She mentioned that she is a member from Virginia and she hasn't been to church for 5 years. She has 2 boys that haven't been baptized. So we are hoping that we can get her and her to boys back to church and get the boys Baptized.
We also had a young man walk up to us this week as we were talking to these people across the street from his house, he told us that he has a Book of Mormon and that he has read up to Jacob, and he knows that it is true. His mom is very sick and he stays home with her to help her out. He is nervous to leave the house and leave his Mother. We are going to start working with him.
There are truly so many great things that are going here in East New York Brooklyn, and I know it is because the Lord is also putting his trust in us as his servants, but it is through our obedience and faith that we receive this trust to where we can be utilized as tools and instruments in his hand. I have to go now.
Love Elder Doyle

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